Become volunteer

Volunteers are the heartbeat of our movement to end poverty around our community. Thank you for your commitment then, today and in the future. To find out how to become a volunteer click here


Help people in need Provide direct support to an individual, family or community by offering financial aid.

Give Food

Food banks rely on your goodwill and support. There are different ways to get involved and donate food to help make a difference. Our Food Bank provides emergency supplies of essential food and toiletries to individuals and families experiencing acute crisis.

About Our Foundation

We are a charity that helps feed the homeless and those that are struggling financially. We cook a free breakfast and lunch every week on a Saturday where those in need can come and eat. We also open our doors every Tuesday evening as a food bank and give out donated food to those in need, items such as cereal, rice, pasta and tinned food. We are also planning on doing a ‘Fundraising Lunch’ where we will open up our doors to the whole community during lunchtime and Cook a lunch and ALL proceeds will go towards our bigger objective of helping those less fortunate within the community. We would love food donations to help those in Birmingham that reach out to us every week requesting food and help because they have no money, roof over their head or are just struggling to survive in this current climate.

Our foundation has helped over



Check out the latest news...

NEW B2B Mobile Food Bank

Blessed 2 Bless has been BLESSED with a Van!!! Thank You, Lord!!! Keep a lookout 👀  for Birmingham’s FIRST MOBILE FOOD BANK!!!! 🚐🍞🍏

2022 - 2024 - B2B Mobile Food Bank Supporting those in need!

Blessed 2 Bless has been supporting Walsall Manor Hospital and the community.

Blessed 2 Bless has been supporting Walsall Manor Hospital giving out 1500 food parcels to staff & Discharge patients.

Image 2 - 3500 food parcels were given out at the food bank.

Image 3 - 1000 food parcels were given out to the community.

Find out where our mobile bank will be next here!

Sponsored by

Working in partnership with Walsall Council

Our mission is to make a difference

We aim to feed those in need, clothe the naked, heal the broken, share a friendly conversation and continue to search for those who are lost.

“It is in your hands, to make a better world for all who live in it”


Give help where it's needed most

Many hands, makes the work lighter. We can always give a help in hand.

Causes that can't wait

Blessed 2 Bless Ghana Mission 2020

Blessed 2 Bless Community Project is once again on a mission to Ghana!

What is being said about us

Everything they do is to care for others. They go over and above!

Lorna. S

Just spent a very humbling 2 hours talking to Lee and learning all about the project. I am completely blown away by the work you do and the time you all give to help people. You all make the world a better place to live in.

Jaci D.

The love and care of those that created this,it's AMAZING!

Chan. G

Become Volunteer

Volunteering can be personally rewarding and helps you 'give something back' to your community. Volunteers can choose from many different opportunities.

Upcoming Events

Taking part in any of our events means you’ll be a part of something special

The Gospel Factor 2020

Talent show for ages 7-30

BCA - Awards Show 2021

Coming soon!

Gospel Factor Florida 2020

Gospel Factor will be brought to the USA

Restoring hope, building dignity

Follow us on Instagram @Blessed2Bless.Official

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